We are living through unprecedented times. And even though we need to be apart to be safe, we also need to reaching out to each other for comfort and support. Technology has brought us part of the way there. However, we need more.

Belonging to a community like Havayah helps us answer the need to understand why this is happening amid the deeper meaning of life. Finding the light in ourselves helps us better handle our situation emotionally… and even physically by strengthening our immune system, which is more critical than ever.

In this sense, belonging to Havayah is more necessary than ever. So join us.

Learn About Today from the Teachings of Yesterday

You’ve probably read quite a bit about Kabbalah lately. It’s been defined in many ways, mostly as the “mystical side of Judaism.” At Havayah we see it differently. We see it as a Pathway to the Soul, the journey and the culmination of that journey in which you leverage the most ancient teachings in the Torah to help you live an infinitely more meaningful life.

  • To help you be present in the here and now.

  • To strike while the iron is hot so you can shape the previously unshapable.

  • To not be complacent but to be active in the journey of your life.


Many of us are striving to find faith. We know it gives a person much inner power, and the insight to achieve life goals. Many of us are fighting to be happier. We understand that the happier we are, the healthier we are. We look for unconditional love… yet confuse it with need, so that it is never found. We have fears and instead of facing them we try to discard them, not realizing that they can be our best friend as long as we can embrace them to make them work for us. We have dreams… the windows to our inner selves but do not know how to interpret them so that they are tools. We look for leadership but don’t know how to find them or want to be leaders ourselves but cannot fathom what that means. We strive for perfection when we know down deep that imperfection is what truly defines who we are.

The Torah, the Zohar (the foundational tool that decodes the Torah) and the writings of the Ari (Rabbi Isaac Luria) among other learned teachers can give us the world… defining how the system works, how it is all interrelated. It is the guidebook to life, if you can understand the symbolism and not adhere to face value. If you work at it, it can give you your purpose, define your personal gifts, even help you mitigate your limitations. Kabbalah is truly the pathway to the soul, helping you cope with the unanswerable, giving you light in the darkness. Come join us in your journey and begin to change your life… for the rest of your life.